Refund Transfer (RT)
Opting for a Refund Transfer offers you unparalleled convenience without any upfront fees. You have the flexibility to receive your refund through a Check, Direct Deposit, or Debit Card. When the IRS or state disburses your refund, typically within 21 days, your fees can be seamlessly deducted from the refund proceeds. The remaining balance of your refund can then be disbursed via a check printed in the tax office, directly deposited into your personal bank account, or loaded onto your debit card. It’s important to note that there may be additional fees associated with this process.
IRS Paper Check
Once your return is accepted by the IRS or state, the taxing authority will process and mail your refund check(s). Typically, you can expect the refund check to arrive approximately 3-4 weeks after your return has been accepted.
IRS Direct Deposit
After the IRS or state accepts your return, your refund(s) will be electronically deposited directly into your bank account. This typically occurs within 21 days of acceptance by the taxing authority.